Tony Rice-Mark O’Connor-Bela Fleck-Sam Bush-Jerry Douglas “I Wonder Where You Are Tonight”

Mark O’Connor sits in with Tony Rice, Sam Bush, Jerry Douglas, Mark Schatz.
1991 Merlefest has one of the great Bluegrass Jams of this generation with the greatest young players on stage together.

Tonight I’m sad my heart is weary
Wondering if I’m wrong or right
To think about you though you left me
I wonder where you are tonight

The rain is cold and slowly falling
Upon my window pane tonight
And though your love seems even colder
I wonder where you are tonight

Your heart was cold you never loved me
Though you often said you cared
And now you’ve gone to find another
Someone who knows the love I shared

Then came the dawn the day you left me
I tried to smile with all my might
But you could see the pain within me
That lingers in my heart tonight


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