The Life To Come | Song Potato Ep 3 | The Ruta Beggars


A Hundred years slip by

A thousand schemes have ended

Everything I know has vanished from sight


Without the people I love

I feel adrift from myself

Some say, silence is golden – not me


I make small talk at the grocery

I know that they’re feeling lonely – like me


It’s not the life I planned for

But who am I to demand more

But as for my friends

I would like to see them again

In the life, the life to come


It’s not exactly strife

This different pace of life

My world bounded as ever by screens


I try to be productive

Or do something constructive

I spend most of my free time outside


Rain soaks my skin then the sun shines

Weather can change in the blink of an eye


What’s gone is already gone

What hasn’t come needs no thought

But as for my friends

I would like to see them again

In the life, the life to come


Seed: Ariel Wyner

Chords/Melody: Sofía Chiarandini

Lyrics: Noah Harrington

Arrangement: Micah Nicol

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